The importance of corporate cooperation workshops
Imagine that, in just one hour, you could offer your teams an environment conducive to personal fulfillment and the creation of a climate of sharing and openness within your company. Is that impossible? Think again, because with the cooperation workshops we’re going to show you how this can become a reality. All you need is a team to make it happen.
You’ve probably heard this mythical quote:
“Alone, we go faster; together, we go further”.
We can indeed adopt individualistic behavior at work, but we could also advocate collective work. As Steve Jobs put it so well, “The best things that happen in business are not the result of one man’s work.
It’s the work of a whole team.” It’s in an atmosphere where your employees feel safe and listened to that they’ll build trust with each other and enhance their creativity. Their productivity will be all the better for it.
Relationships between employees
Your company’s productivity and growth are directly linked to the quality of internal relations. When cooperation and collective intelligence workshops are regularly integrated into the company’s daily routine, and management favors a participative approach, there is a clear improvement in the distribution of tasks and the sharing of knowledge. Effective, appropriate and dynamic communication is essential to foster this cooperation. It’s crucial to choose the most appropriate means of communication for your team, and to work on its continuous improvement.
On average, 56% of employees waste up to 2 hours sending e-mails to their colleagues. Your communication becomes effective when it suits as many people as possible. If email is a process that allows everyone to optimize their working time, that doesn’t have to change. Simply put in place the right tools for everyone, so that everyone feels comfortable sharing information, and so that it flows smoothly. But consistency requires trial and error, and for some companies, time is money. Investing time in your team is a winning bet, provided you have the right support.
Commitment rate
Your company’s performance will also grow in line with your employees’ commitment. In France, the rate is very low. In fact, 1 in 4 employees is totally disengaged. What’s more worrying is that, according to IBET, the average cost of a disengaged employee per year in 2022 in France is over €13,457. What’s more, an “engaged” customer relationship increases customer satisfaction by 10%. Now imagine if this waste of money were no longer a waste. Imagine what you could achieve. Keep your employees motivated by ensuring that every worker feels part of the team.
Sharing experience
There are numerous studies from Harvard, Stanford, the Institute for Corporate Productivity, and Queens University of Charlotte proving the benefits of collaboration between team members. The results are unequivocal. When team members feel under pressure and work independently on their projects, their creativity is diminished, as is their communication.
On the other hand, imagine if you put your two best engineers or hired talents with your best project manager in a room to innovate on your next revolution, imagine the ideas this could spark for your team… Take the time to enrich your skills through multiple learning. If it sounds boring, think again! You can learn while you play!
The benefits of cooperative workshops
There are many benefits to cooperating that we don’t even think about. It develops listening skills, empathy, motivation and proactivity. It puts people back at the heart of work. It’s an emerging concept in today’s business environment. It gives each employee autonomy and responsibility for his or her own tasks. In 2020, Wrike asked 5,000 employees why they were involved in their work. 26% of them answered that they understand their level of responsibility within the company and how their work contributes to the company’s objectives. Importantly, 40% of the 5,000 employees felt more involved thanks tocollaboration with their colleagues.
How can you foster cooperation within your team?
For example, by reinforcing the team’s sense of belonging and/or creating informal moments for sharing. Have you ever thought of offering your team a playful breakfast or lunchtime with the latest games, such as “The crew”, “The game” or “Magic Maze”? Or set up an environment conducive to sharing and communication, such as an idea box. With either example, cooperation should begin to emerge within your team and radiate outwards to your own customers. Don’t be the shoemaker with the worst shoes.
If you don’t know how,
can help you.
Convinced of the benefits of cooperative workshops?
Would you like to improve communication between your team members?
We’ve created tailor-made workshops that highlight collective intelligence and enhance cooperation. Listen to the music and let your mind guide you in our ” Be Percutant for your team “ workshop! Using a variety of instruments, you’ll create an improvised concert worthy of the greats, and learn to work in unison.
Your team will emerge closer than ever! And if your team isn’t too keen on music, don’t worry. We’ve got just the thing for you…
Don’t hesitate to call on us, we’ll be happy to share our smile with you!
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